OMG, I look like Gollum!
This is what happens when the Asset Server has problems. No hair, no clothes, and a popup warning to hold off doing anything for a while. Thank Cthulhu that at least I was wearing the bikini the last time I logged off...
Friday, March 28, 2008
To Baldly Go...
Labels: asset server, hair, secondlife
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Icon; You Con't
I hear a rumor (OK, there is a whole flood of blogposts) about the new Linden Labs trademark policy. *Puts back of hand to forehead in a near swoon* I just haven't had the time or inclination yet to figure out what it all means or what I have to do with this blog to keep the Trademark Police away from my door.
So until then, consider all references to "Lindon Labs", "Second Life", and related entities to be virtually trademarked here. Until I get around to putting in all of the ® (ALT + 0174) and ™ (ALT + 0153) and whatever other mystic signs we have to put in nowadays.
Labels: compliance, copyright, mystic signs, second life, trademark
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Land Rush
I've been trying for a while now to expand the land that Mermaid's Dream is on. I proposed a land swap with a neighbor for another parcel I had, but he wants to keep his parcel. But today, two 512 sq. m. parcels on the other side came up for sale, so I decided I had better jump on the opportunity. I bought both parcels, and then put up the other two scattered 512 parcels that I had in Arianti up for sale, hopefully soon. I may have to eat the charge for a higher tier for a while. But now I can consolidate the land and have plenty of room for expansion.
Labels: Arianti, land, Mermaid's Dream, secondlife