Legal Cover-My-Tail Text: Second Life®, SL™, Linden™, LindeX™, WindLight® and Linden Lab® and the Second Life Eye-in-Hand Logo® are trademarks of Lindon Lab. All other logos and all other brand, product and service names mentioned herein are the trademarks and servicemarks of their respective owners.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Icon; You Con't

I hear a rumor (OK, there is a whole flood of blogposts) about the new Linden Labs trademark policy. *Puts back of hand to forehead in a near swoon* I just haven't had the time or inclination yet to figure out what it all means or what I have to do with this blog to keep the Trademark Police away from my door.

So until then, consider all references to "Lindon Labs", "Second Life", and related entities to be virtually trademarked here. Until I get around to putting in all of the ® (ALT + 0174) and ™ (ALT + 0153) and whatever other mystic signs we have to put in nowadays.

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