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Monday, December 24, 2007

They Paved Paradise And They Put Up A Parking Lot

This used to be the site of Merlantis. So what happened? I have no idea. All I know is that I checked the map, and all of Eyeles sim, except for the mall in the center, was grey. And so was the sim itself; filled in with what appears to be about one million cubic meters of concrete.


Anonymous said...

This is RyanDB Mathieson, the original builder of Merlantis, I don't know for certain but I can make a reasonable guess what happened to the Merlantis. While I built the city, RebelMum kept stressing prim limits and organizing it her way, and everything she changed and asked me to changed leaned more towards commercialism and less towards an actual city, until Merlantis became unrecognizable and was more a commercial and attraction than a mer city. At that point I left, fed up with commercialism in SL and the inability to have a high quality city and at the same time make a profit. I'm guessing that by now the owner of the sim decided to start from scratch and remove and cover everything connected with my city. You however had great potential in SL's mer world, and as I've apparently helped you out with that sled idea among other things, I'd be glad to hear your own ideas and offer suggestions, etc., so email me at if you'd like to contact me for any reason

Anonymous said...

asked me to change*
commercial and tourist attraction*
sorry, mistyped those parts