So the latest controversy in SL is what has become to be known as "Nipplegate": an artistic nude statue was put up at the Burning Life event on a PG sim, whereupon the organizers were asked by Iridium Lindon to move the statue to a Mature sim or remove the offending "detail" on the breasts. This was seen by many as unreasonable, seeing as how nudity in art is common and usually accepted in RL, even with under-18 humans present (which they shouldn't be in the SL grid). Vint Falken has had words to say about this.
My contribution to all of this is to point out that even some RL place names would violate this type of censorship.
Simpler body parts also litter the landscape. The Indians named New Hampshire's Uncanoonuc Mountains for a woman's breasts. French trappers did the same for the Grand Tetons in Wyoming. Later settlers in Utah named Molly's Nipple and Fern's Nipple. Perhaps they were Scots immigrants recalling the Paps of Jura. There are further body parts out there too, of course.
So a warning to sim builders: don't reproduce any of the above topological features in SL or face the wrath of the Lindons!
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