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Friday, June 20, 2008

I just love the Caledon sims

Crap All Over The Place

Crap Mariner announced on his blog that he was going to blow up his NPIRL (Not Possible In Real Life) build in Rezzable today, so my friend Cynthia went over to watch and grabbed a few snapshots for me to post for her. CM entertained the watching throng by turning the entire floating build physical, resulting in mass destruction on a scale most of us don't get to see every day in SL.

Thar she blows!

The admiring throng


Well, it was something to do on a Friday afternoon, I guess...

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Feathered Friend

I decided to splurge and buy a little hummingbird for my "estate". I saw them at Elorian Garden on Bellagio sim, and tracked them back to Vinnie Baxter's Animania. A little pricy at L$325 for the Basic version, but I just had to have one in my garden! There are several varieties. The birds follow you around (within a certain area), which is just darling.

Animania has a lot of other fauna for sale as well; dragonflies, bats, birds, fish and even little fairy shoulder pets.

OK, now how do I tell this bird to leave me alone?